David Cesaria

His training as an architect has always tied him to the world of design. His objects of fine art interact with the environment in a game of lights and reflected shapes, forms that, in the case of the Milanese Gothic group, are pushed to the extreme. The installation of total black furniture, designed for the Milan Design Week 2022, is composed of furniture, accessories and architectural elements black, wrapped in a film that makes them reflective and shiny, almost like oil. Interpreting the dark and restless spirit of these times, thus marking the tone of all the objects exhibited in the gallery and made exclusively for the Milan design week.

Around this fundamental nucleus, a series of bitumen paintings and a series of illuminations of the latest production, with a dark and ironic look. Such as PillsWaterfall, a literal cascade of bright, messy and chromatically chaotic pills. Or Pinwheel, a swirling pinwheel of biceps, a contemporary muscular trinacria. Everything that happens in the works of Caesaria can be read as a childish and innocent game or as a macabre amusement.

Evil penis is instead the dark evolution of a historical luminary of the artist, which earned him a collaboration with the brand Seletti and has thus seen the birth of a series of small illuminations with pop and ironic subjects, which is having great success, some of which are present in the gallery.